8 Reasons Why You Need To Be Alone

8 reasons why you need to be alone

As social human beings that we are by nature, at some stages of our lives we spend a lot of time sharing experiences and emotions with the people we love. But within this precious group, we ended up forgetting the main thing: ourselves. From time to time it’s important to remember that  we need to spend time alone to get together.

After much research about our wonderful loneliness, I discovered the top 8 reasons why we need to be alone from time to time and get away from the outside world. I would love to share with you today these reasons that I discovered while researching loneliness.

spend time alone

Spending time alone purifies our mind

Too much information from our loved ones, work, partners, media or simply from ourselves can have an unhealthy impact on our bodies.

Because of this, it  is recommended during the day to enjoy moments of solitude to let go of this excess of worries  and reconnect with ourselves, allowing us to rest for a moment.

Creativity comes from peace and tranquility

Being at peace when we are faced with loneliness allows us to expand our minds and unleash our human magic and talents. Solitude allows us to create and enjoy ourselves. Loneliness is the true source of creativity.

Your confidence is strengthened with loneliness 

There is nothing more endowed with immense confidence than listening to our inner voice  and analyzing the pros and cons of our own life experience. If we stop for a moment, we can listen to ourselves and identify what our needs are or how we are.

You improve your decision making

When you are alone, you give yourself the sacred act of withdrawing for a moment from the outside world, from the worries and emotions around you, which gives you the serenity and tranquility to make the decisions that are best for you. And, of course, to achieve something fascinating as well: to  see the problem from a totally different angle and full of positive options.

Spending time alone with your thoughts

You leave stress and anxiety behind

When we are alone, we allow ourselves to help ourselves organize our thoughts and regain the strength we need to replenish after a big day full of energetic and emotional exhaustion.

Increase your efficiency in what you do

Certainly you have often felt the need, when responding to an uncertainty, to ask for space to be alone. That way you can organize your thoughts, draw a plan of action, and probably determine the next step toward your dreams. The perfect ingredients to successfully accomplish your goals.

Strengthens your relationships

You can identify with this point or not, but it is a reality that  our loved ones do not need our constant attention every day.

We could sum it up with the principle of life:  “First we have to learn to love ourselves in order to learn to love another unique and extraordinary human being.” Taking time out and dedicating yourself to yourself will allow you to enjoy these emotions with the people you love.

Allows you to see the real and precious face of your life

One important thing I learned in my lonely moments when I listened to my heart and felt my soul was my essence. Being alone allows us to find ourselves, to find the wonderful magic that we have in each one of us, as the splendid human beings that we are.

I invite you to experiment, to dare to step into the unknown, if you haven’t yet experienced the value of silence with yourself, that’s all. You and only you…

Image courtesy of Soledad Mansilla.

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