7 Sentences By José Ingenieros About Mediocrity

7 sentences by José Ingenieros about mediocrity

Many of José Ingenieros’ phrases about mediocrity come from his best-known work, ‘ The Mediocre Man ‘. In this text, this Italian-Argentine thinker reflects a great treatise on ethics that still stimulates conscience to this day.

José Ingenieros was one of the most outstanding intellectuals in Argentina at the beginning of the 20th century. Also one of the most versatile. He was a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, criminologist, philosopher and pharmacist.

Ultimately, this great intellectual was what might be called a true humanist in the broadest sense of the word. José Ingenieros’ sentences about mediocrity show his desire for perfection in human beings. These are some of his most interesting statements.

Imitation in the phrases of José Ingenieros

Many of José Ingenieros’ phrases refer to imitation. He considers it one of the main characteristics of mediocrity in whatever order it presents itself. In this regard, he says: “The mediocre aspires to be confused among those around him; the original tends to differentiate itself from them. While one is content to think with the head of society, the other aspires to think with his own”.

Ingenieros speaks of imitation as a gesture that expresses the renunciation of being yourself, of thinking for yourself. He points out that behind this attempt to be like the others there is the fear of reaffirming oneself. Also inability to create. Thus, he points out: “The capital function of the mediocre man is imitative patience; that of the superior man is the creative imagination” .

man looking at himself in the mirror

fanaticism and faith

Although José Ingenieros was an intellectual closely linked to science, in his exploration of the world he was also motivated by religious concerns. In fact, some of his texts were devoted to the occult and theosophy. He always tried to reconcile his scientific training with religious beliefs.

Due to the above, many of José Ingenieros’ sentences are dedicated to religious manifestations. One of them points out: “The lack of solidly grounded beliefs turns the mediocre into the fanatic. Faith is confirmed in the face of contrary opinions” . In this statement, one clearly sees the coexistence of a spirit that is rational and at the same time full of faith.

Swallow without chewing and digest

The vast majority of José Ingenieros’ sentences are dedicated to exalting intellect, originality and the ability to think autonomously. This statement is very representative of his thought: “They swallow without digesting, even to a mental stalemate: they ignore that man does not live on what he swallows, but on what he assimilates”.

This is a call to “not swallow it whole”, but to analyze and evaluate the intellectual content that reaches us. This statement, like many others in ‘ The Mediocre Man’ , is certainly full of harshness. This thinker was characterized by his sharp scalpel. He deliberately used a language that sought, beyond denunciation, challenge and, therefore, change.

Woman with thoughts about mediocrity

the stillness

In various sections of his work, José Ingenieros exalts dynamism, passion and vitality. It considers that these characteristics are characteristic of sentient beings, who cannot remain indifferent to everything around them.

In this sentence, for example, he indicates: “A man of good character is capable of showing sublime waves, like the ocean; in domesticated temperaments everything seems superficial”. It is a text that exalts passion and sensitivity. For him, mediocrity leads to an inability to react.

woman walking a tightrope

Adaptation and routine

Regarding routine, José Ingenieros says: “Routine is a fossil skeleton whose parts resist the worm of centuries. It is not the child of experience; is your caricature. One is fertile and generates truths; the other is sterile and kills them” . He points out that routine is the denial of experience. The latter requires awareness, whereas routine does not. One way or another, routine paralyzes thinking according to your appreciation.

Ingenieros launches several criticisms against the different forms of adaptation, especially those that involve abnegation and renunciation of one’s thoughts to please a group. However, he also makes a statement that proves to be wise and liberating. He points out: “The diverse adaptation of each individual to their environment depends on the balance between what they imitate and what they invent”.

These are just a few of José Ingenieros’ wonderful phrases about mediocrity. Reading your texts is confronting all areas of ourselves where fear dominates. His work, in general, is an invitation to be, to reaffirm and seek originality and perfection above any other objective.

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