7 Questions That Can Change Your Life

7 Questions That Can Change Your Life

Sometimes we don’t find the answers because we don’t know how to ask the questions.  We embarked on the adventure of projecting big questions about general and deep themes, but in the end we got nowhere. Asking, for example, “What is the meaning of my life?” can be a good way to get even more lost.

Big questions lead to big answers. But there is a difference between “big questions” and “inaccurate questions”. The latter become more difficult to answer because they involve many variables at the same time and lack limits that constrain them.

Therefore, being able to formulate the question correctly is already a way to advance the answer. Below are 7 questions designed to help you assess the way you live and decide if you are on the right path, or if it is time to take a break and take a turn in the opposite direction. This is not a quiz, so please take the time to answer them.

Questions that can change your life

1. What would you change in your life if you knew you were going to die 10 years from now?

Near-death experiences change the lives of many people. This is not for nothing. In general, we live as if we were eternal. We have completely eliminated the idea of ​​death, even though this is the only totally certain thing that exists.


By remembering that it will all be over, all the things that are really important to us emerge more clearly. So, if you have the courage to answer this question with complete honesty, you can draw a new hierarchy of priorities that will make you happier.

2. What advice would you give a newborn?

Think carefully about this question before answering. This answer will summarize much of what you’ve learned since your heart started beating. It will be like a conclusion of your experiences and what you have achieved with them.

Interestingly, after designing your “wisdom capsule,” what you need to do is be consistent with the advice you would give this imagined newborn. Do you already practice this?

3. If it didn’t depend on the calendar, how old would you say you are at this point in your life?

Age is a very relative subject, even if they try to fit us into a stereotype every time we say our own age. In fact, since we are born there is a child, a teenager, an adult and an elderly person within us.

However, it is common for one of these ages to prevail at a certain point in our own existence. So the question is valid: How old are you actually? How does being that age make you feel?

heart key

4. What was the worst mistake of your life and how did you solve it?

The posture we assume in the face of error is one of the most revealing elements of who we are and how we deal with our existence. Both the error and the way to solve it provide important tips for you to understand yourself better.

On the wrong side, by pointing out what was the biggest thing in your life, you can certainly find clues about your main weaknesses. On the solution side, you can see the dynamics you use to deal with difficulties.

5. What would you like to do but don’t do because you feel you can be judged?

The look and opinion of others can be a strong condition for acting. Sometimes this is healthy, and simply shows that we have reached a healthy level of adaptation to the environment in which we live.

At other times, behind this conditioning there is a great fear of being judged. We don’t act out of respect for something we truly believe, but out of fear of what others say. The answer to this question will bring you closer to your repressed feelings.

red-leaf-dress woman

6. What are the 5 things you did in the last year that you will remember forever?

With this question you will be able to evaluate if you really live towards relevant goals or if you got lost in an unimportant routine. The relevant goals are not those that involve megaprojects, but those that touch essential aspects of your life.

If you can make the list with any ease, you certainly live intensely. If, on the contrary, you can’t easily identify these 5 facts, maybe it’s time to review the way you act. It is possible that you have forgotten a little about yourself.

7. What work would bring you complete happiness? If it’s not what you have at the moment, why?

Everyone should aim to work on what they like. Work is one of the pillars not only of our survival, but also of our mental health. Therefore, much of our well-being depends on the professional aspect.

Maybe it’s time to think about whether what you do is what you really enjoy. Are you working on something you really like? Are you halfway to being able to work on what you like? Or have you simply settled for a job you don’t want and aren’t doing anything to change it?


Images courtesy of Christian Schloe.

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