7 Phrases For Highly Sensitive People (PAS)

7 phrases for highly sensitive people (PAS)

There are many phrases for highly sensitive people (PAS) that can provide you with better self-knowledge, self-confidence, and greater control of your emotions. Because beyond what you might think, being sensitive and having the gift of seeing the world with your own heart has advantages as long as there is knowledge of how to “calibrate” this potential.

If there is one thing that is very common and that can sometimes be excessive in popular psychology, it is classification systems. In this sense, it is more than common to find dozens of articles that carelessly describe a series of traits to deduce whether or not we are within a certain personality or behavior profile.

Thus, it is common for a large number of people, when reading certain publications, to instantly identify with what is known as the gift of highly sensitive people. It is important to point out that this profile is much more complex than we think. We are facing a type of personality in which the emotional and even organic presents certain very characteristic nuances. They are, for example, people much more sensitive to pain, sounds, smells…

In fact, there are children who, from an early age, show that they don’t like certain fabrics of clothing. They are also very empathetic, creative and react to a society that makes use of codes that are so disconcerting and sometimes threatening: lies, double meanings, impulsiveness…

These perceptual and emotional subtleties often lead highly sensitive people to the threshold of depression, to an almost desperate hopelessness of those who believe they are different, strangers in a nest that seems fascinating, but also insensitive… So we’re sure these phrases for highly sensitive (PAS) will serve as a guide, inspiration and invaluable help.

man painting

Phrases for Highly Sensitive Persons (PAS)

Most of the phrases for highly sensitive people (PAS) that we’ll introduce next are included in books on this topic. For example, we have the interesting works of Elaine Aron and Karina Zegers, two authors who have several useful and interesting publications on this subject.

Let’s get to know some of the brushstrokes of knowledge on the subject.

1.You are not a label

One of the mistakes we tend to make, whether we are highly sensitive or not, is wanting to insistently fit in with all the environments that surround us and that often judge us as different. This is a mistake, the acceptance of the way of being, feeling and living is synonymous with health, so leave aside the use of labels.

2. The dark side of sensitivity

High sensitivity can often seem like a curse. We experience life with greater intensity and not everyone understands our uniqueness, not everyone sees the world we see… It’s a virtue with a dark side, but it’s still a gift. Since high sensitivity gives an opportunity: to live reality in a deeper way.

3. Hypersensitivity, an unavoidable barrier

This is one of the most characteristic phrases for highly sensitive people (SBP), it is the one that shows us the problem of hypersensitivity, that thin border where the noise of people, sounds, words and even temperature changes are sometimes experienced with great discomfort. …

woman facing the sea

4. The need to adapt to a noisy world

This story sounds a bit comical, but in reality it represents the lives of highly sensitive people very well. Often  these people show the need to seek isolation and solitude in the midst of a world that is too noisy, full of stress, full of problems and disappointments. However, even in complete solitude, things will continue to happen…

Therefore, it is useless to flee the world or defend against it. The world will always be like this, with its nuances, complications and beauties. Knowing how to accept it, understand it and adapt to it will allow us to survive in greater harmony.

5. You are a priority too

This is one of the most interesting phrases for highly sensitive people (PAS). For this reason, something that characterizes them is reflection, the need to meditate on things in depth, look at all the details, all the nuances… However, after these deep analyses, they end up prioritizing everything that is foreign to them, they end up concluding that the problems and needs of others are more important.

This miscalculation, this dangerous virtue that is characterized as excessive empathy, ends up causing a lot of self-esteem problems.

6. Your emotions are what make you human

This is one of Karina Zegers’ best-known phrases for highly sensitive people (PAS). In this message, she reminds us that, far from seeing our sensitivity, our emotions, and that feeling so open to the world as a problem, we must integrate them as part of our being. After all, humans would be nothing without their emotions, so why see sensitivity as an issue?

Female silhouette with flowers

7. Sensitivity and culture

This data is very interesting. High sensitivity is perceived differently according to each culture. Interestingly, in eastern countries this personality trait is very much appreciated even by children. However, in the Western world, the sensitive child is often criticized and often bullied.

oriental child smiling

Therefore, it is time to make emotions normal, accept and understand a little more this profile that has nothing to do with the antisocial, with the shy or neurotic character. These phrases for highly sensitive people (PAS) show us that they are like a garden full of colors, deep roots and heightened feelings that enrich our existence. We must not isolate them, see them as alien elements in a world in which we all fit together.

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