5 Things I Changed When I Started Taking Care Of Myself

5 things I changed when I started taking care of myself

The path to personal fulfillment and spiritual calm is arduous  and, at times, extremely distressing. There is so much that we live and process that sometimes, being at peace with ourselves and those around us seems almost like an impossible mission.

Those who have had to face painful situations, most of the time, risked their comfort and bet on overcoming them  at the expense of personal and emotional stagnation, and may find that calm at the time and in the most unexpected circumstances.

It may be that, unconsciously, our inner struggle has crystallized in imperceptible conquests for us, but when they accumulate one after the other, they have borne wonderful results. Suddenly you don’t need everything to be ideal and controlled, you simply enjoy what you have  and ignore what is wrong.

Those who have been struggling to improve realize that  one of the best ways to achieve well-being is simply knowing how to take care of yourself. And that requires a series of wise decisions that balance what we want and what we don’t want in our lives.

Knowing how to listen to me, instead of just listening to what others say about me

There is nothing worse than subordinating your life and personality to the constant approval of others. It’s very easy to become a broken doll if you stick to everything society assumes is best for you.

Your personality will never be integrated into a whole, but it will be a construction of leftovers and old ideas imposed on you, even without you having questioned the true meaning they have for your soul.

Child playing with a sun that fights against emptiness

Knowing how to listen to yourself, paying attention to your intuition, getting lost where others say it’s not worth going and finding yourself at the end of the path with the most authentic part of you, to keep it and decide to take it always with you. That’s a win.

Get away from everything that is not beautiful, useful and fun

Yes, I chose to be a little hedonistic and the result was better than I expected. Following this premise only brought me good feelings and avoided most of the bad vibes that swirled around me.

If someone is not able to give himself to the pleasures of life, he should deeply question himself about what life is for him,  and who made him believe in what was right or wrong.

Desfrutar is a verb with a positive singular and plural conjugation: I enjoy, you enjoy and we enjoy. Coincidentally, if I am the first person to practice it, I will contribute to this conjugation being extended to those around me.

I don’t have to sacrifice myself for anything or anyone

Fighting for what I want and for who I want is a pleasure and a privilege.

Our society has imposed on us the idea that everything worthwhile involves sacrifice, but for me that word conveys anguish. I prefer to replace it with passion, perseverance or tenacity. The things I learned best in my life were taught in a relaxed atmosphere,  a pleasant concentration in which I did it because I was being interesting. Working for something we don’t like is called stress. Working for something we like is called passion.

The most difficult concepts of academic life and my personal life only entered my mind and spirit when they were accompanied by a sweet explanation and an empathetic attitude.

In fact, I’ve noticed that people who have opted for daily sacrifice, for social dogma, for pushing away all the unknown because it can be dangerous, are people with a gray, dull aura, with a scowl and a viper tongue. I began to understand that my madness was healthier than the rigid sanity of others.

girl with swan

In love, it is sometimes necessary to lose pride, but never dignity.

When I ruled by rules and not feelings, my heart and mind were hurt, and my soul was incarcerated. I started to get tired of this mediocre way of loving and feeling and decided to throw myself in the pool, even if it was empty. Sometimes this resulted in tremendous crashes, other times I ended up sailing.

There is nothing worse in life than being afraid to experience a feeling as exciting as love. Thanks to these blows, I keep throwing myself in empty pools, but with a technique that prevents me from suffering bruises and serious injuries, although I still forgive the occasional bruise, because  there is no wound worse that makes us feel empty than of not daring anything.

I have to take care of the people I love and who love me, and eliminate from my life all those who intentionally wronged me

Life gives us limited time to enjoy it, so  I won’t waste another second of my thoughts and time trying to understand why some people hurt me  with their indifference, tried to humiliate me, betrayed me or judged me.

mother taking care of her children

Since I made that decision, this part of these absurd and useless tasks has been void of resentment and open and ready to be filled with whatever makes me happy. None of those people who created difficulties in my path are going to use evil again in my life.

All I know now is a privilege I didn’t buy with money. It just came to me when I started taking care of myself, and that is truly a gift.

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