5 Thieves Of Our Energy According To The Dalai Lama

5 thieves of our energy according to the Dalai Lama

We human beings are and are made up of energy, which allows us to achieve what we desire and overcome ourselves every day, improving our inner being. For this, it is essential to take care of our energy state, renewing it every day and thus enhancing each of our innate talents. That way we will be the best version of ourselves for those we love and for humanity.

Knowing about the power that energy has in us and the strength it gives us to build our own personal growth, the Dalai Lama defines 5 energy thieves that should be avoided whenever possible.

“They say our enemy is our best master. By being with a master we can learn the importance of patience, control and tolerance, but we don’t have the real opportunity to exercise it. True practice comes when we encounter an enemy.”

-Dalai Lama-

Dalai Lama

accept the present moment

We live in an era where the future and tomorrow prevail over the moment, the here and the now. We overlook the power of the present, of enjoying the moment in which we live and we get lost in future plans that do not allow us to value what we already have. This state makes us not accept situations that present themselves in our daily lives with negative connotations, since we do not have the power to change everything.

Accepting, therefore, is the task that we must begin to practice as a mantra. When we accept that we cannot change something, we are faced with the possibility of changing the plan and being much more open to new opportunities. “Accepted. It’s not resignation, but nothing makes you lose more energy than resisting and fighting a situation you can’t change.”

Take time and take small steps

Everyday life is made of time, as well as nature. This is the authentic beauty of our inner fullness, accepting time but not becoming a slave to it. We already know that there are a multitude of different rhythms in terms of time and each one of us has its own. “Allow yourself to rest if you are in need and allow yourself to act if you are inclined to act.”

For this it  is essential to know when to stop and when to act at the right time. If we don’t, we will fail to value our being, our essence as human beings, and we will lose love for ourselves.

Thus, we allow states of anxiety, sadness and depression to be created that block us and do not allow us to be our best version. Arm yourself with some basic advice to successfully overcome these emotional states, always understanding their origin.

Surround yourself with the right people with love

When we refer to the right people we are talking about those who are part of your being, who love you with sincerity, commitment and do not demand anything in return. People who are generous for one big reason: love.

People who make us feel even more alive and free to be ourselves. “Let go of people who only come to share grievances, problems, disastrous stories, fear and judgment of others. If someone is looking for a place to dispose of their trash, try not to have it in their mind.”

Take care of your health

Health is the basic pillar that indicates whether we are properly managing our existence. It is the thermometer, because our emotional life is very biological and it is also expressed through our vital constants.

When we talk about energy we talk about the body, so it is essential to give the body rest, good nutrition and time to meditate. “Put your health first: without your body’s machines working at their peak, you won’t be able to do much. Take time to rest.”

butterfly girl

get into the habit of forgiving

Learning to forgive allows us to let go of the past and continue positively into the future. We can feel emotions that fill us with sadness, anger, resentment and even a thirst for revenge, but we have to learn to deal with them.

Understanding these feelings and their “why”, learning to forgive, allows us to improve our existence and, over time, realize that we made the right decision. “Forgive, let go of a situation that is causing you pain, you can always choose to let go of the pain of remembrance.”

don’t break your promises

When we promise, we are giving a part of our heart, as trust comes from love for others and for ourselves. Everyone perceives their experiences in one way or another totally different, so the promises we make can be invaluable to the person for whom they are intended. If they are not fulfilled, therefore, it can entail enormous pain to the person’s interior.

“If you didn’t, ask yourself why you feel resistance. There is always the right to change your mind, to apologize, to compensate, to renegotiate and offer another alternative to a broken promise, but not as a habit. The easiest way to avoid not fulfilling something you don’t want to do is to say NO from the start”

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