5 Sentences About Love Relationships

The constant in the great phrases about love relationships is the call to love without fear, without restrictions and without selfishness. Those who love are always enriched, much more than those who are loved.
5 sentences about love relationships

Phrases about love relationships and all that they can imply are everywhere (as is love itself).

Some highlight the tender side of love, others add a touch of humor to the difficulty in finding a partner or to failed loves. There are also others that seek the philosophical side of the subject. These are what we are going to focus on.

Love is one of those eternal topics that everyone has an opinion about. This opinion is often distorted by their own experiences, fears, failures or illusions and fantasies.

It’s not an easy subject to broach because it’s never completely captured. It’s like trying to hold water between your fingers.

We made a selection of phrases about love relationships signed by big names. Philosophers, psychologists and artists. People who reflect on the topic and, therefore, allow us to deepen or observe love from a different perspective.

Without further ado, check out some of these statements below.

1. What do we lose in loving according to the phrases about love relationships

This is one of the phrases about love relationships that would perhaps fall well into life’s principle. It is authored by psychologist and writer Barbara de Angelis, and says the following: “You are never lost in loving, you are always lost in repressing yourself”. Nothing truer than that.

When you love deeply, nothing is lost. It doesn’t matter what happens or what the fate of the relationship is. When loving, we are always growing, evolving. Perhaps the only thing we should regret is not loving enough.

couple kissing on a deck

2. Love according to Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche has several sentences about love relationships, all of which constitute a good background for reflection. This, for example, is one of the most famous and states the following: “What is done for love is beyond good and evil”.

With this phrase, Nietzsche makes us see that the highest moral principle is self-love. This feeling justifies everything. Therefore, it eclipses or eliminates the judgments of “good” or “bad”. If you acted out of true love, nothing else matters. Love is always a strong reason.

3. There is no such thing as a cowardly love

To really love, it takes courage. In a genuine love relationship, both strip their souls and show themselves vulnerable to the loved one.

Whoever loves takes the risk of suffering, and when you are aware of this precipice that mixes with illusion, it takes a lot of courage to move forward.

The person who knew this was the one who managed to cultivate a universal love for others: Mahatma Gandhi. One of his quotes on the subject goes like this: “A coward is incapable of showing love. Doing this is an exclusive attitude of the brave”.

He is absolutely right. It takes more courage to love than to hate.

couple kissing at sunset

4. A precept of life in sentences about love relationships

Love has always stirred thinkers and poets. That’s why we’ve found phrases about love relationships, or allusions to love, for centuries. For example, the following statement by Confucius says: “Is there a precept that can guide the actions of a lifetime? To love ”.

As can be seen, there are many coincidences among great thinkers about the supreme value of love.

In this case, Confucius even points out that this feeling can become the fundamental precept of a lifetime. In other words, self-love can be a life project, the cornerstone of everything.

5. To be loved…

Seneca is another of the great philosophers who reflected on love and wrote several sentences about love relationships. One of them, who is absolutely forceful, says: “If you want to be loved, love”. In six words, he managed to sum up one of the greatest and most universal certainties about love.

Phrases about love relationships

This is one of the great ideas that often, in the midst of the intense flux of everyday life, fall by the wayside. What is essential in love is not looking for a way to be loved by the other, but finding the ways to love more and better.

This, on its own, causes love to be returned. The loves are not reciprocated, generally, because maybe the one who “loves”, doesn’t really love, but needs or desires.

All these phrases about love relationships remind us that love is a simple and, at the same time, complex feeling. A source of happiness, but also of suffering.

It is a central axis of life that, however, is not limited to the couple’s world, and is capable of reaching and filling many other realities.

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