5 Questions To Make Us Happier

It is recommended to ask these questions to make us happier before going to bed every day. There are many good and positive things that we tend to overlook. By doing this, we become unfair to ourselves and to life.
5 questions to make us happier

When we talk about questions to be happier, we are referring to questions that put us back in touch with the most essentials of life. That’s what happiness is made of, realities that make and enact what really allows us to be at peace and in conformity with ourselves and reality.

The problem  is that we easily lose sight of what truly brings us authentic happiness. Therefore, it is best to ask ourselves the questions to be happier after each day. It’s a nice way to end the day and become aware of what gives meaning to our existence.

The questions to be happier are very simple. Small questions that lead us to what is wonderful in our lives, to all those everyday situations that tend to go unnoticed, but which contain the secret of living well. These are five of them.

Questions to make us happier

1. What experience of the day gave you satisfaction, however small?

Unfortunately, humans tend to write the good times in sand and the bad ones in stone. A bad moment can spoil the day, although positive situations were the majority. Instinctively, we tend to do this because our survival also depends on being alert to threats.

However,  if at night you calmly ask yourself about the best experience of the day, you will certainly be able to rescue something very valuable from your journey. Without realizing it, you will begin to take inventory of happy experiences, to varying degrees, and this will help you to enjoy your life more.

woman looking down

2. Have you received any gestures of affection from other people?

This is an enriching question whether the answer is positive or negative, as it can help you to guide your affective world and to know where you are, and this is also very valuable.

Besides, it also makes you think about those affectionate gestures that you sometimes don’t notice. The smile of the person who served the coffee or the kind word of a co-worker. No expression of affection is too small. Thus, the positive stimuli we receive from others constitute those moments that are worth keeping in our memory.

3. Is there something that made you feel lucky?

This is one of the happiest questions that serve as a guide. If we do it every day, we will certainly be surprised by the amount of answers we will find. The first of them: we are fortunate to be alive. Right now, right now, there are people who no longer have life.

In addition, we are also fortunate for our health, our skills, our work, and our time with our loved ones. There are days that also bring additional riches, such as good news, a particularly special moment, etc.

4. What achievements have you achieved, however small?

It is unforgivable to neglect our own achievements. We do ourselves an injustice when we do this. Every achievement, however small, deserves at least to be recognized. It is, thus, a way of giving value to what we do every day.

Certainly, we all reach some goal a day, however small it may be. These open up to a wide range: from overcoming a moment of laziness to finishing a task we had to complete.

Why do we act as if those little goals achieved daily don’t count? We’re used to putting only the greatest achievements on the list, and that’s a bad habit. By changing it, as a result, we enrich ourselves.

Woman breathing fresh air in nature.

5. Did you do something for someone? 

This is one of the questions to be happier that also asks us how we make others happy. Doing something nice for someone will always be a reason to be happy.  We don’t need to change anyone’s life, but enrich it, however modestly.

The day we do something for someone is not a wasted day. Planting this seed of solidarity daily is immensely valuable, not just for others, but for ourselves. Sooner or later, we reap what we sow.

Questions to be happier are a gift that we can give ourselves daily. It might at first seem a little strange to do them before bed, but the results of this analysis exercise are well worth it. Besides, I daresay you’ll be surprised to realize everything you’ve overlooked so far.

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