5 Natural Methods To Fight Depression

5 Natural Methods to Fight Depression

Depression is a multifactorial disease. This means that many factors influence its appearance and the impact it has on the sufferer’s life. So,  to fight depression, it is best to take all the different measures that are within your reach.

Lately, much importance has been given to the chemical changes produced in the brain that are associated with depression. We hear about hormones for happiness, stress, everything. We’ve also heard about neurotransmitters and their effect on our mood. But while this approach is scientific and valid, some clarification is also important.

The Chemistry of Depression

Depression causes chemical changes in the brain and vice versa. However, brain chemistry is changeable. The quality of thoughts and substances we ingest are two such agents that can change brain chemistry. In the case of depression, they increase or decrease the amount of serotonin available.

Serotonin production starts in the intestine. It is there that a precursor of this hormone, called “tryptophan” is produced. That’s why some people call the gut “the second brain.” For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of food we eat and the lifestyle we lead. So, there are methods that are completely natural to produce more serotonin, which helps to fight depression.


Foods to reduce depression

First, it is important to say that there are foods that inhibit the production of serotonin and, therefore, increase the risk of depression.  Basically it’s carbohydrates and foods with high sugar levels. This type of food is like an energy discharge in the body. They are quick to digest and generate desire. A kind of withdrawal syndrome.

On the other hand, other foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables contribute to bringing more tryptophan into the blood. This translates into increased production of serotonin and therefore act as protective agents against depression. Recent medical studies ascribe special power to turmeric to produce this effect.

The most suitable type of exercise

Any exercise practice increases the level of serotonin in the brain. However, the effect is much more significant when exercise is combined with specific situations. Ideally, it should develop in an environment that calms the mind, an environment that reduces the level of anxiety.

Exercise is much more productive if done in a natural environment. Trees and nature’s greenery enhance the positive effects of the exercise itself. A simple brisk walk through the woods can have extraordinary effects. The sea is another of these healing scenarios.


Positive thinking and meditation

Thought has enormous power over mood. For example, the placebo effect has been shown to be very high in people with depression. There are experiments where people thought they were going to take a state-of-the-art drug that researchers said was very effective for depression. Most ingest and improve. It’s the effect of positive thinking.

Relaxation and meditation practices are also very advisable for those who feel depressed. Sometimes it’s enough to take time to breathe, trying to blank your mind. It has also been proven that for religious people, repeating their prayers increases the feeling of happiness.

Literature and writing

Literature allows us to get in touch with other people’s experiences, reflected in the characters or in the narrator himself. This refines our own emotions. Inspiring stories produce a sense of well-being and contribute to changing brain chemistry in a positive sense. They amount to positive thoughts.

Writing, on the other hand, has an important cathartic effect. Joel Robertson, an expert on the subject, recommends writing for 20 minutes for 4 days in a row. The theme should be painful experiences and it’s good to do this without thinking, almost automatically. This researcher assures that this experience provides profound peace.


listen classical music

It has been proven that some melodies have the ability to increase serotonin production. They harmonize the brain and provide a feeling of well-being and excitement. Bach’s music is one of the most recommended. This artist performed compositions in a mathematical order that seems to coincide with some frequencies in our brain.

Likewise,  other composers such as  Brahms, Chopin, Handel, Haydn and some operas such as Madame Butterfly are recommended. This kind of music inspires and induces a kind of openness in feelings. They help you connect with your own pain and this has a healthy effect.

For a depressed person, it is not easy to take measures in favor of their well-being, because what the body asks for is abandonment. Maybe she needs a little extra motivation. Maybe you need support to get started. However, think that the most complicated thing is precisely that, getting started. These methods for overcoming depression naturally are often effective in the short term. Whether you have depression or not, do you dare to try them to improve your mood?


Images courtesy of Art Studio Klyne, Mary Patters

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