5 Keys To Release Emotions

5 keys to release emotions

Emotions allow us to relate to others, but it is sad that we often tend to hide them. There are four essential or basic emotions (although some authors admit one or the other): sadness, anger, fear, and joy. In this group only one is considered positive, but this is a value given by our culture. So, making this distinction between what is negative and what is positive can be an impediment to releasing emotions.

Due to our experiences, in which we have shown ourselves to be vulnerable and done us harm, we begin to hide our sadness by projecting an image of strength. We do not express our anger out of fear of others’ disapproval, we hide our fear by making it dominate us, and we control our joy because on many occasions we have been called to attention by having expressed it spontaneously.

1. Your emotions are important

The situations mentioned above are the product of belittling your emotions and their importance in comparison, for example, with the importance given to logical intelligence. Perhaps you think, as many probably did, that emotions make you weak. You think that all this does not cause more than a strong containment of them.

By not caring about your emotions, you become an expert at “swallowing” everything you don’t want or can’t digest. This, in the long run, will make you feel very bad, because you will get over it and you will have accumulated emotions that will eventually leave your body uncontrollably. You’ll get air and you won’t be able to breathe.

woman dealing with her emotions

Do you want anger to flow wildly during a meeting at work? Does it feel right to be cruel to a friend for hoarding emotions? If you’ve ever been through these situations or want to avoid them, it’s time to change the way you handle your emotional management.

2. Be aware when releasing emotions

At some point perhaps you have tried to release emotions and have encountered such terrible guilt. This happens when you express them without being aware. Keep in mind that you need to know the proper way to communicate what you feel, showing respect for the other person.

In fact, this lack of awareness can be seen when you suppress your emotions so much that you explode at any moment. In this case you have no mercy, you don’t take into account who is in front of you.

Therefore, express your emotions when you wish, opening your eyes wide and empathizing with the person in front of you to avoid hurting them, and avoid hurting yourself for not having known how to manage this type of situation well.

3. Don’t wait, vent when you need to

The key to keeping emotions from getting out of hand is that, when you need to, let it go. This is not to say that in certain contexts this must be done. For example, in an interview or any other similar situation it would not make sense to release emotions in this way, as you would be harmed.

However, this does not mean that you should never do it. In fact, it has to be done. Where do you feel free and good? Where do you feel confident to express everything you carry within? Go to this place and open up to let out what is inside of you.

If you feel angry, grab a pillow, punch, or something similar; if you feel fear creeping into you, allow yourself to shiver, feel it in every pore of your skin, and accept it; if what happens is that you are sad, cry, scream, or look for the person whose embrace will dissipate any crying.

woman trying to release emotions

4. Don’t run around emotions

Emotions don’t usually last long. Joy, for example, is momentary, it doesn’t last for hours and hours. However, when an emotion lasts longer than “normal”, we move from talking about an emotion to talking about an emotional state.

For example, you may feel sad, but if that sadness starts to be supported by thoughts that go round and round, becoming ruminant, generating anxiety, then you are holding back this emotion and preventing it from taking its natural course.

Sometimes it is necessary to know how to distinguish when the emotion started to feed on our thoughts, becoming a product of those insecurities, fears and beliefs that affect it. Sometimes we make a mountain out of a single grain of sand.

5. Take into account the environment you are in

If you find yourself in an environment where it is common to say phrases such as “don’t cry”, “don’t be so smiling”, “don’t get angry”, show that you have the right to express yourself and that this is very necessary for you. Do it based on respect and seeking understanding from others.

The important thing is that you don’t stop expressing what you feel just because it might upset others. Something very common and the result of an education that binds us and prevents us from being the way we are. If you need to express your emotions, do it. There’s nothing wrong with that!

Since little ones we are constantly told not to do this, not to manifest that… In the end, we adopt the custom of keeping everything we want to say and express to ourselves, while we do wrong because of this very harmful attitude.

Let’s not let what we feel poison us because other people will be bothered by our emotions. Withholding and imprisoning them often causes them to begin to be the result of our brain’s ruminations, and they will last longer than they should. We can avoid all that. Let us begin to allow your natural path to flow.

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