45 Sentences To Improve Communication With Your Child

45 sentences to improve communication with your child

The words we use in communicating with our children are very important for their development. We often get carried away by emotions and say and do negative things, which in reality do not contribute positively to the good development of children.

Therefore, we propose to replace some of the most used negative expressions with more positive and practical ones. We will quickly see how this replacement will change your child’s relationship and behavior.

Improve communication with your child

Phrases that favor communication with children

– Do not scream! – Speak lower!

– Don’t eat fast! – Chew your food well!

– You just make a mess… – Tidy up your room, please.

– How long do I need to wait for you? – Say goodbye, we’re leaving.

– Where do you think you’re going? – Get down from there, please.

– You will fall! – Be careful!

– You will cry! – Think about the consequences!

– You’re going to slip! – Be careful where you step.

– You’re going to get wet! – Wear the umbrella/put your wellies on.

– Do not run! – Walk slower.

– Don’t go running! – You have plenty of time.

– I’m speaking! – Listen to me, please.

– Finish it now! – Time’s up, it’s time to finish.

– How many times do I need to tell you? – Do what I’m asking, please.

– I don’t know how to talk to you anymore! – Let’s find a solution together.

– Are you deaf? – Listen to me, please.

– You are blind? – Pay more attention, please.

– You do not have shame? – Think about what you’ve done.

– Not talk like that! – In our family we don’t talk that way.

– I told you! – Learn from the situation and don’t make the same mistake.

– You can not do that! – Try, if you don’t try, you won’t know.

– I do not know! – Let’s think together.

– I don’t understand you. – What do you mean?

– It’s wrong! – That’s your opinion.

– I said no! – This is my opinion and I will not change.

– Because I want! – Because this decision was made by your parents.

Improve communication with your child

– No candy! – Sweets only for dessert.

– This makes me sick! – I don’t want to talk about it now, we’ll talk after dinner.

– Do you know what time is it? – It’s late, let’s sleep.

– Do you think I’m not tired? – I understand, we’re all tired.

– You will see! – I’m very disappointed and I can say or do something we can both regret later.

– You are disturbing me! – Do what you need to do and then we’ll do something interesting together.

– You are crazy! – I’m surprised and your behavior doesn’t please me.

– Is too expensive! – We plan other purchases for today.

– Turn off the tv! – The TV is overheated, needs a break.

– Do your homework! – Do your homework and then you can play.

– I wasn’t like that when I was a child! – You can make mistakes, the important thing is to learn from mistakes and not make mistakes again.

– When I was a kid, I didn’t have any of that. – I would be very happy if I had a toy like this when I was a child.

– Stop crying about bullshit! – I understand that it is very important to you, let’s think about how to solve this.

– Calm down! – Calm down, let’s look for a solution.

– Look where you’re walking! – Be careful and pay attention to where you step.

– No one will want to be your friend! – Who would you like to be friends with?

– Do you want to be sick? – If you get sick, you’ll have to stay home and miss a lot of fun things.

– You do not understand? – What do you not understand?

– You are ungrateful! – We work hard so that you have everything you need. Don’t let us down.

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