30 Questions That Will Free Your Mind

30 questions that will free your mind

“A good question is worth a thousand mediocre answers

And usually more than a smart answer”

Have you ever encountered a kind of mental block that has affected your outlook on life, happiness and human relationships? Have you ever faced the difficulty of making decisions about your future and not knowing what to do or what to consider when deciding? Or has a change simply taken place and you don’t know where it will take you?

For all of this and much more, it’s worth asking yourself the following questions. These questions don’t have right or wrong answers, but they serve to help you free yourself from all those limiting and negative thoughts that block your mind and don’t allow you to think clearly. Here are 30 questions that will free your mind!

  1. Does my real age match the age I feel I am?
  2. If life is so short, why do I do so many things that I don’t like and put off what I really want to do ?
  3. When I feel that everything is decided and done, what did I spend more time on: deciding or doing?
  4. Do I worry about doing something right or do I do what’s right?
  5. If you could change one thing in the world, and only one thing, what would you change?
  6. If happiness were a coin, what would I do to make myself rich?
  7. Do I struggle to do what I like or do I conform to what I do?
  8. How much control do I have over my life?
  9. What do I do when someone I admire or respect makes an unpleasant and/or unfair criticism?
  10. If you could give a person a single piece of advice that would change their life, what would you say?
  11. How many times has a genius been considered a madman?
  12. Prefer to be a worried genius or a happy fool?
  13. What do you know how to do that others don’t?
  14. What things do I want to do that I haven’t done yet? What stops me?
  15. What am I stuck with that won’t let me go?
  16. Does what happened in the past really matter?
  17. Why am I me?
  18. Am I the kind of friend I wish I had?
  19. What am I most grateful for in life?
  20. What is the happiest moment of my childhood? Why?
  21. If not now, when will it be?
  22. If I still haven’t achieved what I dream of, what am I waiting for?
  23. Can I allow myself to wait a little longer or do I have to act?
  24. Do I feel like I’ve lived this day a million times before?
  25. If tomorrow the world ended, who would I spend today with?
  26. Would I give up several years of my life to be handsome and famous?
  27. What is the difference between living and being alive?
  28. If I know I can learn from my mistakes, then why am I afraid of failing?
  29. How would I act if I had no one to judge my actions more than myself?
  30. Do I make my own decisions or let others make them for me?

Thinking and acting to change your life

It is very important to set aside some time each day to have a dialogue with yourself and free your mind. This leaves the door open for creativity and conscious reflection about who we are, what we want to be, what we want in life and what we are going to do to achieve it.

Taking the necessary steps each day helps us understand if what we are doing is in line with our beliefs and our core values.  Celebrating our victories, however small, helps us to enjoy and live a life worth living.

Unlocking your mind will help you feel freer and focus on what you really feel you should do, what makes you feel that life has meaning.

We hope that this article and these questions serve as a first step in getting you started thinking about this topic.

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