3 Stoic Strategies To Be Happier

Stoic thinking sought to find happiness through the courage to give the best in any adverse situation.
3 Stoic Strategies to Be Happier

We can improve the way we work the mental plane ; for many, this is a goal that has become part of their agenda. Fortunately, we have routes and tools that can help us in this regard. Following this line, we will propose a series of stoic strategies to be happier.

It is curious how, despite the centuries that have passed, this current, which dates back to Ancient Greece, is still valid. A very clear example of this is mindfulness . Today we are offered this therapy as if it were a modern invention, although it appeared several decades ago in Asian cultures. The same thing happens with Stoicism.

Who were the Stoics?

Before you know Stoic strategies for being happier, you may wonder what stoicism is. In fact, it is worth knowing what this movement was and why it is still valid today.

Stoicism was the philosophical school founded in 301 BC by Zeno of Citius. 2300 years ago, this Greek philosopher became the forerunner of a whole current of thought that had a strong presence in Greco-Roman culture. According to the theses of the Stoics, their way of life is based on a philosophical doctrine centered on control and self-control. Thus, passion, as an incitement to abandon desires, would be one of the main enemies of our happiness.

To obey their doctrine, the Stoics used two basic tools, reason and courage inherent in personal character. So they achieved or tried to achieve wisdom and happiness. On the way, they dismissed all personal belongings.

Stoic strategies to be happier

Now, you have to be aware that if you want to apply some of these stoic strategies to be happier, you are going to join a philosophical current that has had great thinkers among its ranks. Figures such as Cicero, Seneca and Marcus Aurelius stand out.

We focused on coach Alberto Blázquez’s theories to introduce him to the strategies Stoics used to use to pursue happiness. Check out!

There are no obstacles, only paths

The first strategy, which a priori might seem complex, is actually quite simple. When you encounter an obstacle, make it an opportunity to learn, develop, gain strength, and use it as a support to keep growing.

So if something happens that you consider an obstacle, avoid the spiral of toxic thoughts. That is, try not to lose the government of your inner world. Maybe you can’t control what happens out there, you can control what happens inside you.

Returning to balance as a challenge

According to specialists, this was a strategy widely used by Marco Aurélio. What does it consist of? Whenever a situation threatens to upset our balance, one of our most immediate goals will be to protect or restore it.

How to get back into balance? Simple, taking it as a challenge. In this way, our brain benefits from this competitive willingness to reach a goal. Therefore, once achieved, the reward mechanisms are activated, so that we may even unconsciously look in the future to repeat the reinforcement and sense of well-being.

Balance to be happier

Search for a reference

This stoic strategy doesn’t just come from this line of thought, but many NLP professionals or experts like Anthony Robbins use it as well. When we feel destabilized, we need to look for a reference and try to imitate it.

That is, let us assume a case where we have gone astray and are not doing well. At this point, we can think: what would that person I admire do in this situation? Or: what would the best version of me do now?

Once we’ve launched this line of thinking, the rest is simple. You just have to start taking actions in that direction to channel reality into that desired version that will bring us to the state of happiness we want.

So were the Stoics. People of great wisdom focused on always looking for the best version of themselves to be happy and find balance. If you feel that your life is destabilized, you can try using these stoic strategies to be happier and redirect the situation. As you can see, it will always be in your hands. You just have to do your best, the rest will come little by little.

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