10 Tips To Be Happy Now

10 tips to be happy now

We all go through bad times. Whether it’s a problem at work, lack of money, family fights, health problems, or anything else, our lives are rarely perfect. Many people think of happiness as something you get when you have a dream. “I will be happy when I can change jobs”, “I will be happy when I marry the man of my dreams”, and so on.

But have you noticed that most of the time we do what we wanted so much, but shortly thereafter, other complications arise and we feel that we still haven’t achieved happiness? This is because, in fact, being happy is not related to what we have achieved. Happiness is a state of mind that can be present even in our worst days. It comes from the inside out, not the other way around.

happy every day

This is easy to see for some people. You’ve probably come across someone who has a lot of problems, but who is always smiling, never complaining or complaining. These beings are wise, as they are aware that life is much lighter when we keep ourselves in the state of happiness, even when everything takes us to the negative side.

We made a list of 10 attitudes for you to be happy now. From now on, and forever.

be happy now

1- Thank – Every night reflect on what happened in your day. As bad as he was, something went right. It could be delicious food, a laugh from your child, or your favorite movie on television. Give thanks for these moments, however small and insignificant they seem to be.

2- Indulge yourself – Do something you love every day. It is important to provide moments of joy for you to realize that happiness is in your hands. Eat your favorite dish, read a book, go out with friends, finally, give yourself these gifts. You deserve.

3- Choose words that convey happiness  – When you are asked how you are, instead of answering that “good” without grace, say that everything is wonderful! It seems like an exaggeration, and sometimes it is, but these expressions open up smiles and make everything lighter. Here (http://bit.ly/2bCj6GC) you can find some optimistic phrases to get inspired.

4- Treat everyone well  – When you are nice to people, the chances of being nice to you increase. Walk around with a smile on your face, say good morning to the doorman, and get all that positive energy back.

5- Be optimistic  – Even when the situation seems the worst possible, ask yourself: if I were to be happy now, what reasons would I have? Focus on the answer and shift your attention to the good in life.

6- Be present  – We spend so much time mulling over the past and planning the future that we don’t realize that life is passing by. Enjoy the moment and discover little joys that will arise.

7- Get rid of the mess  – When we accumulate junk at home we get uncomfortable, lost and irritated. Open up physical space and notice the mental space that will open up with this attitude. Get organized and see that you have more time throughout the day.

8- Look for things that make you laugh  – It could be internet video, chat with a funny friend or play with a child. The important thing is to laugh every day. In addition to relieving tension, laughter gives energy and vitality.

9- Get physical  – Half an hour every day is enough to release endorphins and get energy. If you can do something outdoors, it’s even better.

happy with yourself

10- Cut relationships that are not good  – There are people around us who are negative, envious and do not add anything to us. Limit your interactions with them and increase your interactions with those who make you feel good.

Happiness is in your hands and it’s much more accessible than we think. Of course there are some days worse than others, but the important thing is to stay focused on optimism and what works. Set the goal to be happy every day and just be!

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