10 Interesting Phrases By Writer And Psychotherapist Jorge Bucay

10 interesting phrases by writer and psychotherapist Jorge Bucay

Jorge Bucay’s phrases are a very interesting way to get to know his way of working, which is full of novelty, sensitivity and reflection. This Argentine writer and psychotherapist is one of the most widely read in the world today. While his work is not without controversy, Bucay has an undeniable role in contemporary culture.

His training began at the School of Medicine at the University of Buenos Aires. He soon specialized in mental illness and became a prominent therapist within the Gestalt school. Since the 1980s he has also been known as a writer, and several of his books have reached the top of the bestseller list.

Jorge Bucay’s sentences are marked by a very human and profound focus. They are also a call to believe in yourself and to take responsibility for your own destiny. Your statements are, of course, a great opportunity for reflection. Here are 10 of them.

The responsibility in the sentences of Jorge Bucay

Several of Jorge Bucay’s sentences deal with the theme of individual responsibility. In this one, for example, he reminds us that it is necessary to face the consequences of our actions. In other words, not blaming anything or anyone other than ourselves for our mistakes or losses. He says: “I allow myself to take the risks I decide to take, provided I pay the price for those risks myself.”

Tree in closed bottle

In that other sentence he says: “No one can have knowledge for you, grow for you, pursue or do what you should do. Existence itself does not admit substitutes”. This is another of Jorge Bucay’s phrases that invites us to take responsibility for our own lives.

Overcome suffering

Suffering is a recurrent theme for many thinkers and, obviously, this subject could not be missing when we talk about Jorge Bucay. One of his phrases says: “We are who we are thanks to everything we have already lost and the way we act in the face of those losses”. It’s very interesting that he attaches such importance to losses and the way we act on them. These aspects have a central place in who we are.

In this other sentence, he talks about the importance of patience to strengthen us and so that we can better respond to life’s unforeseen events. He says: “When you are patient in one angry day, you can easily prevent 100 sad days from coming.”

Jorge Bucay believes in the power that people have to make their lives a space for fulfillment and overcoming suffering. One of his phrases brings the key needed to make use of this power when we can’t see any way out: “When you find yourself in a seemingly hopeless situation, take a step back and leave the way you entered.”

Know and be loyal to yourself

Another of the most frequent themes in Jorge Bucay’s texts is self-knowledge. It is possible to know a little about his point of view in this statement: “The most important step towards growth is to become aware of yourself, your worst and your best”.

woman with wings

Along with self-knowledge, the author also promotes free will and a person’s radical independence from their surroundings. This is bluntly expressed in the following sentence: “I allow myself to seek what I think I need in the world, and not wait for someone to give me permission to get it.”

The ego and consumption

Bucay also constantly refers to culture and what he calls “escape routes” in his books. He is very critical in relation to some cultural aspects, especially with regard to consumerism. One of his phrases says: “Consumer culture as a result created an attitude of rivalry and comparison that educated us to always confront others.”

Likewise, Jorge Bucay questions the enormous exaggeration of the importance of the “I” in contemporary Western culture. In this regard, he says the following: ” In circumstances where we cannot free ourselves from the ego even for a moment, the image we will have of ourselves will become a prison. A beautiful way of showing that the exacerbated “I” does not reassert us, but imprisons us.

the real change

For Jorge Bucay, change is primarily about transforming the way we see ourselves. What he affirms is that human actions must be directed towards achieving a progressive reaffirmation of who each one is. There must not be a movement towards “I should be”.

man reading book in circle of books

It is in this sense that one of Jorge Bucay’s phrases says: “We can only change one thing when we finally stop fighting with it”. It is a way of saying that transformations must be fluid, and only then will they reaffirm the being of each one.

Jorge Bucay’s texts are simple and written in colloquial terms. This is good for reaching a lot of people, but it also earned him a lot of criticism. In any case, critics or not, he is one of the most widely read authors today, which probably also indicates that he is highly accepted by his audience.

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